Welcome to Grace Church

We are thrilled to have you here, as we journey together in worship, spiritual growth, and serving Christ through caring for one another and social action.


Join us on Sundays at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.

Lent Program & Fellowship

We’re planning this year’s Lent program around sharing our Faith Stories, as was suggested at our Annual Meeting. We’ll be meeting each Wednesday of Lent, beginning March 12th through April 9th. We’re asking two people each week to sign up to provide a light supper of soup, bread, dessert if you choose, etc. Coffee and drinks will be provided.

The fellowship meal begins at 6pm; the program begins at 6:30; and we’ll end with Compline at 7:20pm. Please plan to join us.

Also find service live streams on YouTube here.

Holy Week and Easter

Sunday, April 13th:  Palm Sunday services at 8am & 10am includes The Liturgy of the Palms and The Holy Eucharist; 10am service with Grace choir

 Wednesday, April 16th:  Healing Service with The Holy Eucharist, 5pm

 Thursday, April 17th:  Maundy Thursday Service with The Holy Eucharist, choir, and ends with clearing the Altar & leaving in silence, 7pm

 Friday, April 18th:   Stations of the Cross & Good Friday Liturgy, 7pm

 Saturday, April 19th:  Holy Saturday Service, 9am  (this service is brief and there is no celebration of the Eucharist at this service)

 Sunday, April 20th:  Festive Easter Eucharist, 8am and 10am service with Grace choir

Pastor Rev. Carol Evans

  • Join us for a welcoming service filled with love and support, where we come together to grow in our faith and serve others.

    We worship on Sundays celebrating Holy Eucharist with a quiet service at 8:00 a.m. and a music-filled service at 10:00 a.m. Our church is handicap accessible.

  • Experience the joy of spiritual growth and fellowship as we gather to strengthen our connection with God and one another.

    Bible Study

    We meet between services on Sunday to discuss the day's lectionary readings. We start at 9:10, bring your coffee and join us.

  • Embrace the call to serve and show compassion, as we come together to make a positive impact in the community and the world.


    Our members participate in church life through various committees and organizations including Altar Guild, Acolytes, Lectors, Prayer Chain, Worship Leaders, Building & Grounds, Coffee Hour Hosts, Growth & Membership, Hospitality, and Vestry.

    Gracie’s Back Door

    Our resale shop is open on Wednesdays from 10:00 - 2:00. We have small household items, books, antiques, jewelry, and more.

    Center of Hope

    We make regular contributions of non-perishable food items, personal care products, & monetary donations.

    We also take special collections at holidays for socks, underwear, hats, gloves, & turkeys.


    Food and items for care of animals at the Animal Protective League.

    Ravenna High School

    We donate personal care items & laundry products.

Midge Meyers, our secretary

Church Life

Come and explore who we are, our journey, our calling, and our mission. Embrace the spirit of unity, growth, and outreach. Together, we tell our story in love and grace.

Opportunities for fellowship:

Retirement luncheon:

We will celebrate the service of Nancy Lundgren and Bill and Marsha Snyder with one service at 10:00 on April 6. A covered dish luncheon will follow. Please join us in celebrating the years of service these members have dedicated to Grace church.

Sit and Stitch

2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. We meet in the conference room. Members work on their own projects and we also work on group projects for the community.

Breakfast Club

We meet the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at the Cracker Barrel in Rootstown. We order off the menu and pay for our own meals. Everyone is invited to join us.


Do you love to sing? So do we. You don’t have to become a member to lift your voice in song; just a willingness to have fun while praising God. Join us for rehearsal on Thursday night at 7:00 and service on Sunday at 10:00. Stop by after service and introduce yourself, we’ll take care of the rest.

Poker Boys

We meet the last Friday of the month at the church to play cards. Donated winnings go to outreach projects such as buying turkeys for Thanksgiving and supporting the Portage APL.

We welcome you!

Wine Tasting Event

Baptismal and confirmation candidates with their sponsors and Bishop Anne B. Jolly.